Student Assessments

Week 1, Day 2

Name ______________________________________ Date____________________ Period __________

Quiz 5

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.  This quiz is worth 10 points

1.    How does Loung know the first foster family that they live with? (2pts)


2.    Describe how the first foster family treats Loung and her siblings. (1pts)


3.    How many children does the first foster family have? (1pt) __________

4.    How many children does the second foster family have? (1pt)  ___________

5.    Describe how the second foster family treats Loung and her siblings. (1pt)


6.    What almost happens to Loung twice? (think about the soldier and Paof) (2pts)


7.    What does Loung see right before her and her siblings suffer from “red eye disease” (2pts)


Week 2, Day 3-Quiz

Name __________________________________ Date _________________ Class Period______

First They Killed My Father Final Quiz

1.     Create a family tree that shows the characteristics of each person in the Ung family.







2.     When the family arrived at the Kom Baul base, they stood in line with peasant families? Why was Pa afraid to declare his affiliation with the Lon Nol Democratic Government?



3.     What sorts of luxuries does the Khmer Rouge government forbid?



4.     Why is it ironic that there are no social divisions in communism, Cambodias new government?





5.     How is the family able to get more food than others?






6.     Why do the new people of the village starve while they are growing plenty of food? Where does the food go?




7.     What happened to Keav? How does he die?





8.     What small incident changes the way Loung views her mother?



9.     Describe how Loung knows to go visit Ma and Geak. What is it that she knows?




10.  What happens that allows Kim, Chou and Loung to be reunited?




11.  Describe what happens on the boat ride from Vietnam to Thailand.





12.  What item does Loung finally replace? Is she satisfied with the replacement? Why or why not?


Week 2, Day 3-Paper Assignment

Hierarchy Paper

            In First They Killed My Father there are several hierarchies. There are the governmental structures within the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese Army. There are also social structures such as familial, class, religion, and privilege. In a 5 to 7 page essay you will chose one of the hierarchies that present itself in the novel and discuss its role in the novel.

An effective essay will answer who, what, when, where, why, and how. It will also address who benefits and who suffers within the hierarchy and what makes the hierarchy deemed necessary within the story. You are able to use any information presented in class and you MUST substantiate your claims with evidence from the novel. Leave no stone unturned and no question unanswered. This assignment will be completed in several steps over the course of two weeks.

Step 1: Pre-write (10pts)           
Due: Thursday April 29

You will begin brainstorming ideas for your paper. You can use one of the graphic organizers provided for you in class, or your own organization strategy. This is not a time to being writing a paper. This is your time to let your ideas flow without any inhibitions. You will be sitting in peer groups so if you are stuck, ask your classmates for help.


Step 2. First Draft of Essay (20pts)           
Due Friday April 30

You will begin your essay in class on Thursday and bring your first drafts to class on Friday. I expect you to have a clearly organized essay. This is not an opportunity to slack off. You can format your essay in any way that you want. Think about the organization strategies we have been discussing throughout the semester. Refer to your notes if necessary. You will then do peer review sessions in order to get feedback from peers on how effective your paper is and what you can do differently.


Step 3: Peer Review (10pts)           
In Class Monday May 3

You will spend this time working with your peers in class to hash out any problems with your paper. This is a time to get help and feedback about your ideas for your paper and how best to go about making your claim.


Lab Days Tuesday May 4 - Thursday May 6

These days are time designated for you to work on your paper and have myself and your peers around to ask for help. This is not the only time that you should use to work on your paper. You should also be working on this at home.


Step 4: final Draft and Decompression (60pts)           
Due Friday May 7

You will turn in your final draft and we will talk about the process of writing and what was learned through this process.

Total Points Earned: 100

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!

Week 8-9

Group Unit Project: Present Day Hierarchies

In the small groups you have been working with throughout this unit, you will decide on a contemporary issue related to hierarchies (think about oppressed groups, power differentials, and contemporary civil rights struggles) and prepare a 10 - 12 minute presentation to share with the class.  Each member of your group must speak and contribute to the presentation.

In your presentation, you must do the following:

___ (15 points) Create a multimedia presentation
(You may use Animoto, PowerPoint, iMovie or any other approved resource)

___ (15 points) Provide historical background on the issue
    (Include important figures, important events and conflicts, important antecedents)

___ (15 points) Compare and Contrast your chosen hierarchy issue with a hierarchy from either First They Killed My Father, Ragtime, or another text discussed in class

___ (15 points) Share ideas for how to challenge your chosen hierarchy as well as how it has been challenged historically

Before your presentation, you will submit:

___ (15 points) An annotated bibliography in MLA format including all of your resources

___ (15 points) A one-page handout containing the main points from your presentation

___ (10 points) A copy of or link to the multimedia aspect of the presentation via email